This product was recommended by Kevin when he was demonstrating on 芳瑜 on 女人我最大 shown on 2010/11/22 under the topic 大師傳授令人嫉妒的ㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞ臉唇絕招.

品牌: VinVin
系列: SOS
品名: 超光速美白急救泡泡面膜
屬性: 面膜
容量: 200ml

Brand: VinVin
Series: SOS
Name: SOS Brightening Mask
Property: Mask
Capacity: 200ml

Product Description

Using natural peach and camellias extract, together with the special super Q extrusion technology, it makes you feel as if you are floating in the clouds while enjoying the comfort of the mask.  Only requires 2 minutes, and you will be able to achieve white translucent skin. Contains natural papaya enzyme, kiwi fruit and fruit acid, resulting in smoothing and effectively in removing the old dead skin cells. At the speed of light, it emit micro capsule containing vitamin C, E, which is more easily absorbed by the skin, together with vitamin B3's, causing the original dull skin to becomes bright and delicate.


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